Chapter 3 Calibration and Sensitity

We will make use of rechaRge API to perform calibration and sensitivity analysis with different tools.

3.1 Quality assessment

Following the previous example, we will need to load observations datasets:

 # relation between gaugins station and RCN cell IDs
input_rcn_gauging <- paste0(base_url, "rcn_gauging.csv.gz")
 # flow rates in mm/d
input_observed_flow <- paste0(base_url, "observed_flow.csv.gz")
input_alpha_lyne_hollick <- paste0(base_url, "alpha_lyne_hollick.csv.gz")

And we also need in this case to update the settings of the HydroBudget model object, so that column names match with the expected ones:

HB$rcn_gauging_columns <- list(
  rcn_id = "cell_ID",
  station_id = "gauging_stat"
HB$alpha_lyne_hollick_columns$station_id <- "station"

Then we can process the river flow observations and assess simulation quality:

quality <- rechaRge::evaluate_simulation_quality(
  water_budget = water_budget,
  rcn_gauging = input_rcn_gauging,
  observed_flow = input_observed_flow,
  alpha_lyne_hollick = input_alpha_lyne_hollick,
  period = simul_period

The rechaRge package proposes an model-free implementation of the Kling-Gupta Efficiency algorithm, that can be used for quality evaluation. In the case of our example the quality measurements of interest are:

  KGE_qtot_cal_mean = mean(quality$simulation_metadata$KGE_qtot_cal),
  KGE_qbase_cal_mean = mean(quality$simulation_metadata$KGE_qbase_cal))
[1] 0.8549218

[1] 0.7203224

3.2 Using sensitivity

The sensitivity R package can perform various sensitivity analysis.

3.2.1 Define model function


# Preload input data
# Quiet download
options(datatable.showProgress = FALSE)
# use input example files provided by the package
base_url <- ""
input_rcn <- fread(paste0(base_url, "rcn.csv.gz"))
input_climate <- fread(paste0(base_url, "climate.csv.gz"))
input_rcn_climate <- fread(paste0(base_url, "rcn_climate.csv.gz"))
input_rcn_gauging <- fread(paste0(base_url, "rcn_gauging.csv.gz"))
input_observed_flow <- fread(paste0(base_url, "observed_flow.csv.gz"))
input_alpha_lyne_hollick <- fread(paste0(base_url, "alpha_lyne_hollick.csv.gz"))
# Simulation period
simul_period <- c(2017, 2017)

hydrobudget_eval <- function(i) {
  # Calibration parameters
  HB <- rechaRge::new_hydrobudget(
    T_m = i[1],
    # melting temperature (°C)
    C_m = i[2],
    # melting coefficient (mm/°C/d)
    TT_F = i[3],
    # Threshold temperature for soil frost (°C)
    F_T = i[4],
    # Freezing time (d)
    t_API = i[5],
    # Antecedent precipitation index time (d)
    f_runoff = i[6],
    # Runoff factor (-)
    sw_m = i[7],
    # Maximum soil water content (mm)
    f_inf = i[8] # infiltration factor (-)
  # Input data specific settings
  HB$rcn_columns <- list(
    rcn_id = "cell_ID",
    RCNII = "RCNII",
    lon = "X_L93",
    lat = "Y_L93"
  HB$climate_columns$climate_id <- "climate_cell"
  HB$rcn_climate_columns <- list(climate_id = "climate_cell",
                                 rcn_id = "cell_ID")
  HB$rcn_gauging_columns <- list(rcn_id = "cell_ID",
                                 station_id = "gauging_stat")
  HB$alpha_lyne_hollick_columns$station_id <- "station"

  # Simulation with the HydroBudget model
  water_budget <- rechaRge::compute_recharge(
    rcn = input_rcn,
    climate = input_climate,
    rcn_climate = input_rcn_climate,
    period = simul_period,
    workers = 1

  # Evaluate simulation quality
  result <- rechaRge::evaluate_simulation_quality(
    water_budget = water_budget,
    rcn_gauging = input_rcn_gauging,
    observed_flow = input_observed_flow,
    alpha_lyne_hollick = input_alpha_lyne_hollick,
    period = simul_period


3.2.2 Run sensitivity analysis

# Use future package to parallel

hydrobudget_sens <- function(X) {
  kge_hb <- as.matrix(t(
    future_apply(X, MARGIN = 1, FUN = hydrobudget_eval, future.seed = TRUE)))

# Number of variables
nvar <- 8
# Range of the parameters
binf <- c(1, 4, -20, 5, 3.05, 0.5, 160, 0.01)
bsup <- c(2.5, 6.5, -12, 30, 4.8, 0.6, 720, 0.05)

# parallel computation setting
plan(multisession, workers = 3)
#plan(sequential) # non parallel
sensitivity_results <- morris(
  model = hydrobudget_sens,
  factors = nvar,
  r = 2,
  design = list(type = "oat", levels = 5, grid.jump = 3),
  binf = binf,
  bsup = bsup)

3.2.3 Handle sensitivity results

# Variable of interest
mu <- apply(sensitivity_results$ee, 3, function(M){
  apply(M, 2, mean)
}) <- apply(abs(sensitivity_results$ee), 3, function(M){
  apply(M, 2, mean)
sigma <- apply(sensitivity_results$ee, 3, function(M){
  apply(M, 2, sd)
sensitivity_eval <- data.table(mu = mu, =, sigma = sigma)
mu.ycol1 mu.ycol2 sigma.ycol1 sigma.ycol2
0.1287377 -0.0622413 0.1287377 0.0622413 0.0143777 0.0054013
-0.0206082 0.0235591 0.0396784 0.0402300 0.0561137 0.0568938
0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000
0.0193786 -0.0125755 0.0193786 0.0125755 0.0034151 0.0130887
0.0441015 -0.0962654 0.0441015 0.0962654 0.0131990 0.0224014
-0.2714123 -0.4633435 0.2714123 0.4633435 0.0026086 0.1460134
0.1071907 0.4364973 0.1071907 0.4593355 0.0212545 0.6495985
# Plot
plot(sensitivity_results, y_col = 2)
title(main = "y_col = 2")
plot(sensitivity_results, y_col = 1)
title(main = "y_col = 1")

3.3 Using caRamel

The caRamel R package can perform both calibration and sensitivity analysis.

3.3.1 Define objective function

We will start by defining the objective function to optimize: this function will run a simulation and quality evaluation and its returned values will be used by caRamel to measure the quality of the injected parameters.

make_hydrobudget_eval <- function() {
  # Preload input data
  # Quiet download
  options(datatable.showProgress = FALSE)
  # use input example files provided by the package
  base_url <- ""
  input_rcn <- fread(paste0(base_url, "rcn.csv.gz"))
  input_climate <- fread(paste0(base_url, "climate.csv.gz"))
  input_rcn_climate <- fread(paste0(base_url, "rcn_climate.csv.gz"))
  input_rcn_gauging <- fread(paste0(base_url, "rcn_gauging.csv.gz"))
  input_observed_flow <- fread(paste0(base_url, "observed_flow.csv.gz"))
  input_alpha_lyne_hollick <- fread(paste0(base_url, "alpha_lyne_hollick.csv.gz"))
  # Simulation period
  simul_period <- c(2017, 2017)

  hydrobudget_eval <- function(i) {
    # Calibration parameters
    HB <- rechaRge::new_hydrobudget(
      T_m = x[i, 1],
      # melting temperature (°C)
      C_m = x[i, 2],
      # melting coefficient (mm/°C/d)
      TT_F = x[i, 3],
      # Threshold temperature for soil frost (°C)
      F_T = x[i, 4],
      # Freezing time (d)
      t_API = x[i, 5],
      # Antecedent precipitation index time (d)
      f_runoff = x[i, 6],
      # Runoff factor (-)
      sw_m = x[i, 7],
      # Maximum soil water content (mm)
      f_inf = x[i, 8] # infiltration factor (-)
    # Input data specific settings
    HB$rcn_columns <- list(
      rcn_id = "cell_ID",
      RCNII = "RCNII",
      lon = "X_L93",
      lat = "Y_L93"
    HB$climate_columns$climate_id <- "climate_cell"
    HB$rcn_climate_columns <- list(climate_id = "climate_cell",
                                   rcn_id = "cell_ID")
    HB$rcn_gauging_columns <- list(rcn_id = "cell_ID",
                                   station_id = "gauging_stat")
    HB$alpha_lyne_hollick_columns$station_id <- "station"

    # Simulation with the HydroBudget model
    water_budget <- rechaRge::compute_recharge(
      rcn = input_rcn,
      climate = input_climate,
      rcn_climate = input_rcn_climate,
      period = simul_period,
      workers = 1 # do not parallelize, caRamel will do it

    # Evaluate simulation quality
    quality <- rechaRge::evaluate_simulation_quality(
      water_budget = water_budget,
      rcn_gauging = input_rcn_gauging,
      observed_flow = input_observed_flow,
      alpha_lyne_hollick = input_alpha_lyne_hollick,
      period = simul_period



3.3.2 Run calibration analysis

Then perform calibration with sensitivity:


# Number of objectives
nobj <- 2
# Number of variables
nvar <- 8
# All the objectives are to be maximized
minmax <- c(TRUE, TRUE)
# Ranges of the parameters
bounds <- matrix(nrow = nvar, ncol = 2)
bounds[, 1] <- c(1, 4, -20, 5, 3.05, 0.5, 160, 0.01)
bounds[, 2] <- c(2.5, 6.5, -12, 30, 4.8, 0.6, 720, 0.05)

calibration_results <- caRamel(
  nobj = nobj,
  nvar = nvar,
  minmax =  minmax,
  bounds = bounds,
  func = make_hydrobudget_eval(),
  prec = matrix(0.01, nrow = 1, ncol = nobj),
  sensitivity = FALSE, # you can include sensitivity analysis
  archsize = 100,# adjust to relevant value
  popsize = 20,  # adjust to relevant value
  maxrun = 20,   # adjust to relevant value
  carallel = 1,  # do parallel ...
  numcores = 2   # ... on 2 cores

3.3.3 Handle calibration results

Make use of calibration results, by merging simulation outputs with front objectives, to get more readable parameters, ordered by “best fit” score:

output_front <- data.table(cbind(
  calibration_results$parameters, calibration_results$objectives))
colnames(output_front) <- 
  c("T_m", "C_m", "TT_F", "F_T", "t_API", "f_runoff", "sw_m", "f_inf", "KGE_qtot", "KGE_qbase")
y <- 0.6 # choose your KGE weight criteria
output_front[, `:=`(KGE_score = (KGE_qtot * (1 - y) + KGE_qbase * y))]
output_front <- output_front[order(KGE_score, decreasing = TRUE)]
T_m C_m TT_F F_T t_API f_runoff sw_m f_inf KGE_qtot KGE_qbase KGE_score
1.906311 5.604989 -19.19250 11.945411 4.408523 0.5712546 430.8092 0.0477576 0.4859849 0.7750877 0.6594466
1.246112 6.481321 -13.36189 13.802854 3.678455 0.5096465 236.8640 0.0204504 0.5090917 0.7508585 0.6541518
2.483700 6.062448 -17.26176 23.624808 4.658325 0.5039473 399.6424 0.0465857 0.5155111 0.7120443 0.6334310
1.019256 4.031972 -19.34093 21.178486 4.602323 0.5984307 291.8979 0.0214334 0.5295701 0.6651860 0.6109397
1.523373 6.337108 -19.47260 6.232265 3.385082 0.5179079 191.0489 0.0410083 0.6265391 0.5363021 0.5723969

Display the results with caRamel’s plotting feature:

# Plot using caRamel
plot_caramel(calibration_results, objnames = c("KGE_qtot", "KGE_qbase"))

Scatter plot the calibration’s simulations, with the resulting Pareto front:

# Plot all using ggplot
front <- data.table(calibration_results$objectives)
colnames(front) <- c("KGE_qtot", "KGE_qbase")
all <- data.table(calibration_results$total_pop[, 9:10])
colnames(all) <- c("KGE_qtot", "KGE_qbase")
combined_data <- rbind(all, front)
combined_data$group <- c(rep("All", nrow(all)), rep("Front", nrow(front)))
ggplot(combined_data, aes(x = KGE_qtot, y = KGE_qbase, color = group)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Scatter plot of simulations",
       x = "KGE_qtot", y = "KGE_qbase",
       color = "Dataset") +

3.3.4 Evaluate uncertainty

For each set of parameters proposed by caRamel, run a simulation and then evaluate the uncertainty of the set of parameters identified as being the “best fit”.

# for each proposed set of parameters, run the water budget simulation
param_ids <- as.numeric(rownames(output_front))

# run simulations
water_budgets <- lapply(param_ids, FUN = function(i) {
  x <- output_front
  HB <- rechaRge::new_hydrobudget(
    T_m = as.numeric(x[i, 1]),
    C_m = as.numeric(x[i, 2]),
    TT_F = as.numeric(x[i, 3]),
    F_T = as.numeric(x[i, 4]),
    t_API = as.numeric(x[i, 5]),
    f_runoff = as.numeric(x[i, 6]),
    sw_m = as.numeric(x[i, 7]),
    f_inf = as.numeric(x[i, 8])
  # Input data specific settings
  HB$rcn_columns <- list(
    rcn_id = "cell_ID",
    RCNII = "RCNII",
    lon = "X_L93",
    lat = "Y_L93"
  HB$climate_columns$climate_id <- "climate_cell"
  HB$rcn_climate_columns <- list(climate_id = "climate_cell",
                                 rcn_id = "cell_ID")

  # Simulation with the HydroBudget model
    rcn = input_rcn,
    climate = input_climate,
    rcn_climate = input_rcn_climate,
    period = simul_period,
    workers = 2

The following function will, for a given metric (e.g. gwr, runoff etc.):

  • make one row per year-month, one column for the value of the “best fit” simulation, one for the mean of all the simulated values, and one for the standard deviation between all the simulated values.
  • plot the corresponding time series, showing how the “best fit” compares with the mean and the standard deviation range.
# make one row per year-month and one column per simulated measure
plot_metric <- function(water_budgets, metric, title = NULL) {
  # spatialized: add metric values starting from best fit
  metrics <- data.table(year = water_budgets[[1]]$year,
                        month = water_budgets[[1]]$month)
  for (i in param_ids) {
    param_id <- paste0(metric, i)
    set(metrics, j = param_id, value = water_budgets[[i]][[metric]])

  # non-spatialized: calculate mean, group by year-month
  metrics_monthly <- unique(metrics, by = c("year", "month"))[, c("year", "month")]
  for (i in param_ids) {
    param_id <- paste0(metric, i)
    metrics_id <- metrics[ , .(mean = mean(get(param_id))), by = c("year", "month")]
    set(metrics_monthly, j = param_id, value = metrics_id$mean)
  # add mean and sd for each year-month row
  ym_cols <- c("year", "month")
  set(metrics_monthly, j = "mean", value = apply(metrics_monthly[, !..ym_cols], 1, mean))
  set(metrics_monthly, j = "sd", value = apply(metrics_monthly[, !..ym_cols], 1, sd))
  set(metrics_monthly, j = "date",
      value = as.POSIXct(paste(metrics_monthly$year, metrics_monthly$month, "1", sep="-")))
  set(metrics_monthly, j = "min", value = metrics_monthly$mean - metrics_monthly$sd)
  set(metrics_monthly, j = "max", value = metrics_monthly$mean + metrics_monthly$sd)
  colnames(metrics_monthly)[[3]] <- "best"

  # plot uncertainty
  ggplot(data = metrics_monthly, aes(x = date)) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = min, ymax = max), fill = "gray", alpha = 0.4) +
    geom_line(aes(y = mean, color = "mean")) +
    geom_line(aes(y = best, color = "best")) +
    labs(title = title, color = metric, x = "date", y = metric) +
    scale_color_manual(values = c(best = "red", mean = "cyan")) +
    scale_x_datetime(date_labels = "%Y-%m", breaks = date_breaks("months")) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90), legend.position = "top")

We can now visualize the uncertainty for different metrics:

plot_metric(water_budgets, "gwr", 
            title = paste0("Simulations (", length(param_ids),"): groundwater recharge"))

plot_metric(water_budgets, "runoff", 
            title = paste0("Simulations (", length(param_ids),"): runoff"))

plot_metric(water_budgets, "vi", 
            title = paste0("Simulations (", length(param_ids),"): vertical inflow"))

plot_metric(water_budgets, "aet", 
            title = paste0("Simulations (", length(param_ids),"): actual evapotranspiration"))